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It’s All About Presentation

For me “Made from Scratch” just plain, good food is priority. However, I’ve found that Presentation makes all the difference and can be done economically. For Example: 1. I purchase seasonal plates, napkins, cupcake papers, and platters from Dollar Tree, Dollar General, or Walmart. 2. Line a basket with a […]


Barbara’s FRENZ Coffee at Convention 2019

I have fond memories when women gather together at Barbara’s FRENZ Coffee times at our Open Bible Churches Convention every other year. It is a great time of meeting other women and enjoying their favorite, complimentary drink of choice.

Encouraging Word

Duty Bound or Love Bound?

My husband, Randall, and I have traveled in ministry together for over 47 years. I knew very early that my calling was to, “Stimulate one another toward love and helpful activities, not neglecting to meet together…giving mutual encouragement”(Hebrews 10:24-25) particularly with ministry wives. One of the greatest blessings for me […]