Serving meals during COVID 19
Being in my kitchen is like a child playing outside in the park. It is my happy place, where I take JOY in everything I cook/bake…”Made-from- Scratch.” I’m not sure which is the greater motive; to bless others or to bring joy to myself.
The idea to offer meals to our neighbors began when all of our ministry trips were cancelled. I wondered what on earth am I going to do to keep occupied. I thought to myself that I cook for Randall anyway so what would a few more meals matter? Since I happen to be our Homeowner Association secretary my first thought was to throw out a suggestion to our block of retired individuals; some couples, some live alone; to see if there is any interest. I call them my Liberty Lane friends. On March 19 I felt a stirring in my heart so I sent an email, “Just checking up on everyone…How’s everyone doing? How can I help you? Reply to ALL so we can keep in touch. “
A few days after my first email I made Sour Cream Sugar cookies and dropped them off to wish everyone a happy Spring. Then, sensing the Holy Spirit gently moving me, I “Stepped Out of the Boat” and sent an email on April 6:
“Since we need to distance ourselves I hope you are finding something interesting to do to keep from boredom.
I’m considering making meals; “Made from Scratch” from my new Website:
If there are enough people interested I would make a couple of different things each week and deliver 1 or 2 servings (whatever you requested). I would let you know which days I’m cooking and what, such as chicken and noodles, lasagne, beef and noodles, beef stew. These are suggestions, but not limited to these choices. Look at the above website. This would be only for people living on Liberty Lane, not beyond. Just reply to me if this is something you are interested in.”
I received very kind comments like, “I LOVE this idea, Barbara!!! Please count me in! I’ll order every time. The food items you mentioned sounded very good and I’m not likely to make for “just me.” Janene
“I am still so thrilled that you are doing this, which again shows what a huge heart you have!!! All your plans sound PERFECT!!! Please count me in on each of the days you mentioned!!!” Janene
I started out with 3 takers for the first Chicken & Noodles; 3 for Beef Stew;10 for lasagne. Then I offered the ham dinner and with 3 sides and the orders grew to 12. I enjoyed adding a homemade dessert, too! I have served 95 meals since the beginning and will continue offering meals twice a week for the next couple of weeks at least.
When I wondered what/when I should prepare the next meal or IF I wanted to continue this journey I felt the Holy Spirit telling me, “Take a day at a time!” When I prepared the big dinner for 12 then turned around and made stew/artisan bread/brownies a couple of days later I felt exhausted and realized I needed a few days in between. However, I recovered after a couple of days and was ready to continue!
“The chicken and noodles were OUTSTANDING! I am stuffed! Thank you so much!” Linda
“Barbara, Just had your blue ribbon meal, thx yum yum ..” Ron
“What I would say is when thinking about 1 Corinthians 13:13, we need Faith, Hope, and Love; the greatest is Love and Barbara is showing that kind of love through her cooking for us.” Mary
” Please count me in for the chicken pot pie! Last night’s dinner was another winner for sure! Typically I am used to adding more salt & pepper, but I’ve never had to add anything to your delicious meals!!!” Janene
“Dinner was delicious!! Thank you so very much. It was a treat to sit down to a hot meal and not have all the cleanup…. the cupcakes were wonderful as well and the bread, oh so tasty!! We so appreciate you!” Donna
“You are such an amazing person & blessing…I love it when I have friends who also love the Lord.” Mary
“Thanks again for doing this, so very nice of you and we really appreciate it.” Linda and Russ (LINDA DOESN’T COOK SO IS REALLY ENJOYING THIS)
“Hey Girlfriend, you outdid yourself today, the meal was outstanding, I haven’t had scalloped pineapple for years, my first introduction to that dish was in the south, when we wintered in FL, really one of my favorites!Thank you so much Barbara!!” Donna
“My mouth was watering just looking at your beef stew ingredients and if I’m not too late, I would love to enjoy some on Tuesday!” Janene
“The lasagna was wonderful last night. Thank you so much.” Jane
Because of this venture I’ve seen my neighbors more in the last 2 months than the the other 8 years that we have lived here. We text back and forth and have built wonderful, girlfriend relationships.

I just read this Barbara and it is so like you to follow the Holy Spirit’s prompting! I especially loved your comment about “one day at a time”. That’s what the Lord taught Bob and I to do and now, I am still living this with Bob home safe in heaven!
Oh, my dear forever friend, Cathy, I have no words and cannot even imagine the hole in your heart! Thank you for your kind words. We can be so thankful for how the Holy Spirit gives us comfort and words of direction forever and always. We must make a coffee date soon. Love, Barbara