Author: Barbara Bach
Music to Cook/Bake with!
Let’s Keep Our Mind Focused on Good Things! I have found some great 2-hour listening, music links that are refreshing and relaxing while I’m in my kitchen working/playing.
Scalloped Corn
Pasta Meat Sauce
Repurpose Gifts
Years ago I was given a beautiful, live flower fall arrangement as a hostess gift. This fall I decided to “Repurpose” this lovely, ceramic pumpkin! All it took was purchasing two bunches of fall flowers at Walmart for a total of $6. I cut each stem and remade this lovely […]
“There’s Life After 50”
His Song 2 “Refreshing encouragement through original songs of praise and worship.“ Click the link below to preview and download songs: Album Notes The Lord, in His loving kindness began giving me songs of encouragement, wrapped with God’s Word, the Bible. My journey in song began with understanding the relationship […]
Scalloped Pineapple
Barbara Jo’s Sloppy Joes
Cheesy/Green Bean Casserole
No Two Alike
“Comparison is the thief of joy” Every time I make something, “Made from Scratch,” I think to myself, “There are ‘No Two Alike!’” I couldn’t make it happen, no matter how hard I try. Do you know why? My kitchen is not a big mass produced, plop, plop out of […]